These little doily-style lichen are only a few pieces of what will become a larger wall hanging, that will emulate the old concrete walls here in France. My next task is to incorporate "moss" in a tasteful way. The background will be added last to unify the various bits and pieces.
Another project that I finished today is actually a gift for the daughter of Jason's teachers. She turned one years old while I was here, and I decided to make her a little stuffed animal. She may not exactly appreciate it until she's older, but I think it is well crafted and in good taste since they are everywhere here. Un petit escargot pour le bébé!
Un Petit Escargot
I made the entire snail without a pattern – only using my understanding of crochet, and how to get the general shape of the snail shell, as well as the ripple around the underside of the snail.
To better see the underside of Un Petit Escargot.
Below you can see more photographs that I've taken here in France. I am really impressed by the quality of the iPhone 5c's camera. I thought I would be at a loss without my Digital SLR this trip, but it hasn't really affected me much. Sure the pictures are not quite as good as they could be, but I'm very impressed for a phone!
Click on small panoramas to enlarge your view.
I also wanted to share the homemade artisan bread Jason has been making. These are slices of such a perfect loaf. It tasted just as wonderful as it looks!
Jason's beautiful bread.
Aren't you glad I didn't use any lichen puns?